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  • Writer's pictureSarah Hoots

How to Pep Talk Yourself Through a Difficult Time

Imagine you’re in the midst of changing jobs, building a business, or getting in shape. Maybe you’re even there right now and don’t have to imagine. What’s the story you’re telling yourself about what’s happening in your life? Does it involve you being the confident hero of the story who digs their heels in when things get hard? Or a character that doesn’t believe he or she can do it, and is therefore reluctant to even try and goes back to scrolling on Instagram?

When you’re feeling discouraged and tired, and lacking the mindset you need to do what is necessary, reflect on some of the thoughts below that always work for me. Over the years, I’ve had to learn how to be mindful in order to overcome OCD and perfectionism. I was guilty of beating up on myself whether it was a sport or academics. Fortunately, I’ve learned to be present and by going through difficult times, know that everything has a way of working itself out as long as you stay consistent.

1. Allow yourself to be a beginner.No one starts off being great, as much as we want to be or believe that we should be. Do the best you can until you know better. Once you know better, do better.

2. Stop running away.Breathe. Be where you are. You’re where you’re supposed to be at this very moment. Every step and experience IS necessary. There have been moments in my own life where I thought the best solution was to pack up and move, start over, and begin again. But running doesn’t get you anywhere. Instead, just breathe through it.

3. Use disappointment and frustration to motivate you rather than annoy you.Be mindful. You are in control of the way you respond to life.

4. Don’t compare your progress with that of others. You’ve heard the phrase “stop comparing your chapter 3 to someone else’s chapter 7”, etc. Don’t even compare chapters at all because they aren’t even the same book!! It’s like comparing Tolkein to Tolstoy. Pointless. Focus on the step you are taking NOW and make the best of it.

5. Results (whether it’s a six pack, a spouse, or a top step podium) don’t come overnight!In a culture that seeks instant results, we must learn the beauty of effort, patience, character, and perseverance. Consistency is what ultimately wins.

6. Calmness is a superpower.Machiavelli wrote in The Prince that ‘a prince should be rather slow to take action.’ Patience is a genuine expression of confidence, acceptance, serenity, and faith in your own ability. It’s a sign of strength. Practice it.

7. Your struggle writes your story.Your struggle is part of your story. Being rejected from something you want often means you are being directed toward something you need…to take the next best step forward.

8. Struggles don’t last forever.No life story is one chapter long. No chapter tells the whole tale. No mistake defines who you are. Keep turning the pages that need to be turned.

It takes ten years to become an overnight success.

All details aside, when it comes to making a significant change in your life—finding a new job, building a business, getting in shape, fostering a new relationship, starting a family, being more productive, or any other personal journey that takes time, patience, and commitment—one thing you have to ask yourself is:

“Am I willing to spend a little time every day like many people won’t, so I can spend the better part of my life like many people can’t?”

We ultimately become what we repeatedly do. The acquisition of knowledge doesn’t mean you’re growing—growing happens when what you know changes how you live. Every single day. It won’t be easy. You will inevitably struggle along the way. But it isn’t that life a life worth struggling for?

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